Sacred Seaplants is a regenerative ag-tech company for climate action. We help Major Seaweed and Agriculture producers capture the transformative value of scalable seaweed and kelp production for a sustainable supply chain advantage. By utilizing award winning Marine Permaculture technology, we overcome many of the challenges hampering traditional seaweed farmers to scale their supply.  You can be a leader in Ag-Tech and the Blue Economy connecting the symbiotic relationship of land and sea with Sacred Seaplants. We invite you to take action, make progress towards your goals, and contribute to a better future  for all.


Our technology distinguishes itself from traditional seaweed farming through several fundamental differences. Our approach overcome many of the numerous challenges they face from scalability, efficiency issues, and verification.
First, we employ Marine Permaculture with Deep Water Irrigation, a cutting-edge approach that from conventional methods. By tapping into deepwater nutrients previously disrupted by warming temperatures, our system fosters enhanced seaweed regenerative growth. Irrigation with deeper, cooler water, ensuring the replenishment of essential nutrients and maintaining optimal seaweed temperature. With live projects in The Philippines and Tasmania, the farming platform have demonstrated remarkable resilience in extreme ocean conditions, even surviving a Category 5 Hurricane with seaweed intact.
Our technology ensures Year-Round Reliability, a crucial factor in meeting market demand consistently. With deepwater irrigation, we provide a stable supply of seaweed throughout the year. Our system provides reliable volume availability, offering businesses a consistent source of high-quality seaweed for your needs.
Another differentiator of this technology is the Scalability Advantage it offers. By expanding our operations, we achieve significant cost advantages. Increasing volume and optimizing the supply chain enable us to undercut competitors and provide a more cost-effective solution. Furthermore, our system's enhanced conditions lead to higher fluxes per hectare and increased seaweed yields, further solidifying our scaling advantage.
This innovative technique, validated by winning the XPRIZE, represents a significant advancement in seaweed cultivation. The technology has research verified by University of Cambridge and Princeton University, to validate the carbon sequestration outcomes that was required to win the XPRIZE.  This sets us apart, ensuring a solid baseline for ongoing accurate measurement, reporting, and verification—a level of credibility not yet available with traditional approaches.
We also hold a deep respect for the time-honored traditions of the seaweed farming industry and we acknowledge its vital role in coastal communities and sustainable practices. Concurrently, we are committed to developing innovative solutions that not only bolster the growth of traditional seaweed farming but also address the prevailing challenges within the industry. By fostering collaboration and implementing sustainable strategies, we aim to fortify the resilience and longevity of seaweed farming practices for generations to come.

An Ocean of Opportunity!